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dc.contributor.authorNadolu, Delia-
dc.contributor.authorNadolu, Bogdan-
dc.identifier.citationDelia, Nadolu; Bogdan, Nadolu. The socialization between the effective and virtual patterns. Timișoara: Politehnica University Press, 2015 Disponibil la
dc.identifier.uri Link DOI-
dc.description.abstractThe socialization between the effective and virtual patterns – represent a sociological paper focus on the daily effects generated by the over-utilization of the NICT. The extensive utilization of the any devices dedicated for various kind of computer mediated communication can generate an alteration of the basic socialization skills, like direct interactions, face-to-face communication, empathize and so on. If the social interactions trend to be developed mostly into the technological mediated way, than this pattern will be reflected into the loosing of the classical abilities for living together with others. Are we approaching for a living model such in well known Isaac Asimov SF novel, ”The Robots from Aurora”, without any direct interactions? We will try not to find solutions, but only to show the contemporary risks.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitatea Politehnica Timișoaraen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProfessional communication and translation studies;8 / 2015-
dc.subjectVirtual spaceen_US
dc.subjectComputer mediated interactionsen_US
dc.titleThe socialization between the effective and virtual patterns [articol]en_US
Appears in Collections:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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