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Titlu: State of the art on relevant research areas connected to complexity management [articol]
Autori: Rennung, Frank
Draghici, Anca
Savii, George Gustav
Subiecte: Complexity
Project management
Industry 4.0
Data publicării: 2016
Editura: Timișoara : Editura Politehnica
Citare: Rennung, Frank.State of the art on relevant research areas connected to complexity management.Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2016 Disponibil la https://doi.org/10.59168/FMGL2870
Serie/Nr. raport: Transactions on engineering and management;Vol.2, issue 1 (2016)
Abstract: The article is focus on describing the connected or associated concepts and disciplines for managing complexity. The approach will follow: (1) the holistic perspective; (2) the specific approach of complexity management (service-related); (3) the special (nonservice-oriented) research areas of complexity management; (4) characteristics of complexity in outsourcing projects. In the final chapter, relevant conclusions related to the state of the art will be made. The aim of the article is to emphasize the necessity of viewing complexity management as a new organizational challenge and initiatives. The main finding of the research consists of the identification of different knowledge sources related to complexity management connected disciplines that have to be considered by managers in order to define successful strategy, methodologies and processes.
URI: http://primo.upt.ro:1701/primo-explore/search?query=any,contains,State%20of%20the%20art%20on%20relevant%20research%20areas%20connected%20to%20complexity%20management&tab=default_tab&search_scope=40TUT&vid=40TUT_V1&lang=ro_RO&offset=0 Link Primo
https://search.crossref.org/search/works?q=10.59168%2FFMGL2870&from_ui=yes Link DOI
Colecţia:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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