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Title: Design and analysis of 8/6 pole switched reluctance motor under transient tenure using finite element technique [articol]
Authors: Durairasan, M.
Sridharan, S.
Ganesan @ Subramanian, G.
Subjects: SRM
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Timișoara : Editura Politehnica
Citation: Durairasan,M; Sridharan,S.; Ganesan @ Subramanian,G. Design and analysis of 8/6 pole switched reluctance motor under transient tenure using finite element technique. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2018.
Series/Report no.: Journal of Electrical Engineering;Vol 18 No 4
Abstract: This paper presents an Electromagnetic and Thermal analysis under transient conditions of a 8/6 pole Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) using 2D finite element method (FEM). SRM uses reluctance torque which comes from the change of the reluctance of magnetic circuit can be thought of as a type of synchronous motor. However, compared with a regular synchronous, no field winding, slip ring and brushes are used in addition, instead of using a permanent magnet as a rotor. Recently, following the developments of power electronics, the interest in SRM has risen year after year. Electromagnetic & Thermal simulations of SRM are done by using the design software ANSYS. Finite Element Analysis plays a vital role in designing of 8/6pole SRM model which completely eliminates the manual calculations. ANSYS is a complete Finite Element software package. For solving numerical based problems in FEM, ANSYS is a general purpose finite element modeling package for numerically solving a wide variety of engineering problems. Plane 53 is chosen for Electromagnetic analysis and Plane 55 for Thermal analysis of SRM model. The simulation results for various rotor positions are obtained. Most of the analysis are carried out in 6/4 pole SRM but in the proposed method, Electromagnetic & Thermal simulations are obtained under transient conditions for 8/6pole SRM model
ISSN: 1582-4594
Appears in Collections:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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