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Title: Effect of modified pole shapes on the performance of hybrid switched reluctance motor [articol]
Authors: Saranya, S.
Venkatasubramanian, K.
Balaji, M.
Subjects: Hybrid Switched Reluctance motor
Average torque
Cogging torque
Torque ripple
Design modifications
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Timișoara : Editura Politehnica
Citation: Saranya,S.; Venkatasubramanian,K.; Balaji,M.; Effect of modified pole shapes on the performance of hybrid switched reluctance motor. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2018.
Series/Report no.: Journal of Electrical Engineering;Vol 18 No 3
Abstract: Hybrid Switched Reluctance Motor (HSRM) has the advantage of improved torque and efficiency than conventional Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM). The presence of permanent magnet and auxiliary winding in the stator yoke increases the torque density in HSRM when compared to SRM. However cogging torque and torque ripple is a major drawback in HSRM which causes acoustic noise and vibration. This work emphasis on minimization of torque ripple and cogging torque by altering the stator and rotor pole geometry. This paper deals with the influence of altered pole shapes such as pole tapering in stator, pole shoe attached to rotor and non-uniform air gap at stator pole face on the torque characteristics of the HSRM.. Based on the analysis an optimum design is arrived to enhance the performance of HSRM.
ISSN: 1582-4594
Appears in Collections:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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