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Results 6241-6250 of 6759 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Hardware design of low power non-binary LDPC coder based on FPGA for WIMAX standard over GF(2m) [articol]Narain, B. Raj; Sasilatha, T.
2019An efficient hybrid method for combined economic and emission dispatch problem using genetic and whale optimization algorithm [articol]Selva Rex, C.R.Edwin; Beno, M.Marsaline; Annrose, J.
2019Role of dual input fuzzy controller for the better production of real power in wind system [articol]Rajvikram, M.
2019Design of floating point arithmetic units and its application in offline signature recognition system embedded on FPGA [articol]Ramyarani, Nallathambi; Subbiah, Veerana
2019Analog circuits fault diagnosis using genetic algorithm based wavelet neural network [articol]Gunasundari, A.; Bhuvaneswari, M.C.; Nithyasree, G.
2019Robust Primary Control of AC Micro-Grid and Analysed Effect of Noise [articol]Rathor, Bhuvnesh; Bhadu, Mahendra; Bishnoi, S.K.
2019Classification and characterization of power quality problems in three phase system [articol]Kiranmai, S. Asha; Laxmi, A. Jaya
2019An efficient algorithm for a cache compression and decompression to improve system memory performance [articol]Janaki, K.; Vijayakumar, P.
2019Optimized energy efficient clustering and routing mechanism for target tracking in WSN [articol]Parvin, J. Rejina; Vasanthanayaki, C.
2019Comparative assessment of PWM strategies for three phase trinary source nine level inverter with rectified sine carriers [articol]Sengolrajan, T.; Balamurugan, C.R.