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Results 6251-6260 of 6758 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Optimized energy efficient clustering and routing mechanism for target tracking in WSN [articol]Parvin, J. Rejina; Vasanthanayaki, C.
2019Comparative assessment of PWM strategies for three phase trinary source nine level inverter with rectified sine carriers [articol]Sengolrajan, T.; Balamurugan, C.R.
2019An implementing meta heuristic bat algorithm for minimizing the power losses with optimal placement of DG source in the radial distribution system [articol]Sundararaman, P.; Menakadevi, T.; Kumar, C.
2019Comparitive analysis of fuzzy logic and ann controller for a single stage grid connected photovoltaic system with soft switching [articol]Sakthivel, N.K.; Sutha, S.
2019Control of Voltage Source Inverter using Linear Quadratic Regulator for the three phase Grid integrated Renewable Energy System [articol]Vinifa, R.; Kavitha, A.
2019Assessment of scelic based high-power bidirectional DC-DC converter for effective energy management in PHEV [articol]Gnana Vanitha, L.S.; Jeyabharath, R.
2019Smart energy harvesting for intelligent railway condition monitoring system [articol]Sivasankari, B.; Ahilan, A.; Gnana Malar A., Jasmine; Ranjini V., Siva
2019Investigation on intelligent soft computing techniques for quality enhancement of power grid [articol]Samuktha, K.; Geethanjali, M.
2019Qualified hybrid power system model with fault ride through attainment [articol]Sangeetha, P.; Suja, S.
2019Disease diagnosis from ECG signals based on optimizing independent component analysis using genetic algorithm [articol]Ramkumar, M.; Babu, C. Ganesh