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Results 6261-6270 of 6758 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019QOS based vehicle selection and co-operative data transfer for vehicular ad hoc networks [articol]Suganthi, B.; Ramamoorthy, P.
2019Sustainable development of universal electronic control unit for fuel saving in automobiles to protect the environment pollution [articol]Manojkumar, P.; Veena, P.; Jeyabharath, R.
2019Proficient control based load frequency controller for deregulated hybrid power systems with sensitivity analysis [articol]Vinothkumar, M.; Kumar, C.; Suresh, P.
2019MAMRN MIMO antenna magnetic field reduction using signal to noise detection in wireless devices [articol]Gokulachander, A.; Vijayabhasker, R.; Palaniswami, S.
2019Design and finite element analysis of axial flux permanent magnet generator for wind turbine applications [articol]Anitha, N.; Kumar, R. Bharani
2019Achieving minimum peak side lobe through pulse compression coding technique on synthetic aperture radar [articol]V.I., Beatrice Sylvia; Sumathi, A.
1990Vagoane şi frîne. Partea a II-a. FrîneDungan, Mircea Corneliu
2019T-SRP: Ravi, R.: Tree based strenuous routing protocol for congestion avoidance in IoT medical application [articol]Praghash, K.; Ravi, R.
2019Evolutionary Algorithm Based On Soft Computing Techniques Used in Forward Converter for Sustainable Applications and Energy Factor Approach [articol]Dheeraj, Alagu; Rajini, V.
2019DACP QOS: Distributed admission control QOS algorithm to improve network performance in MANET environments [articol]Sangeetha, T.; Manikandan, M.S.K.