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Results 6281-6290 of 6758 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Power factor correction using BL-CSC converter for BLDC motor drive [articol]Kaliappan, S.; Rajeswari, R.
1990Acţionări hidraulice şi pneumatice : curs. Vol. 1Bălăşoiu, Victor
2019Comparative Analysis of Two Inverter Topologies Considering Either Battery or Solar PV as DC Input Sources [articol]Ahmad, Mohammad; Khan, B. H.; Jha, Anil Kumar
2019A simple Human Simulating Intelligent PID for wind turbine Control under wind speed variation [articol]Bensaber, Abdelhaq Amar; Benghanem, Mustapha; Guerouad, Abdelmadjid; Bensaber, Mohammed Amar
2019Advanced Control Technique for Islanded Microgrid based on H-Infinity [articol]Sedhom, B. E.; El-Saadawi, M. M.; Abd-Raboh, E-E.
2019Certain investigations on hybrid boost converter for mitigating power quality issues [articol]Uthirasamy, R.; Karpagam, J.; Kumar Chinnaiyan, V.; Vijayalakshmi, V.J.
2019Fuzzy Logic Controlled Shunt Active Filter in IEEE Nine Bus System with Improved Dynamic Time Response [articol]Dhandayuthapani, S.; Sharmeela, C.
2019Multi-Shunt VAR Compensation SVC and STATCOM for Enhance the Power System Quality [articol]Sayed, Yehia; El-Sayed, Abou-Hashema M.; Elghaffar, Amer Nasr A.
2019Design and finite element analysis of dual rotor axial flux permanent magnet generator for wind turbine applications [articol]Anitha, N.; Bharani Kumar, R.
2019Efficient optimization techniques for parameter estimation in three phase induction machine [articol]Sridevi, R.; Kumar, C.; Suresh, P.