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Results 6311-6320 of 6758 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Iron loss computation of a permanent magnet motor: FEA-based comparative study between different models [articol]Mansouri, A.; Mansouri, A.; Trabelsi, H.
2019Power quality analysis of distribution network with large scaled photovoltaic distributed generation system [articol]Lin, Kyaw Myo; Oo, Yan Aung; Swe, Pyone Lai
2019Energy audit and optimizing energy consumption in paddy processing industry [articol]Mareeswaran, M.; Dillibabu, R.
2019Investigation of indoor performance of dust accumulation on solar photovoltaic module [articol]Palpandian, M.; Santhi, M.
2019Efficient sliding mode PI controller for fault recovery in grid connected wind energy conversion system [articol]Rajvikram, M.; Saravanan, M.
2019Fuzzy based MPPT technique for photovoltaic system with boost and super-lift boost converters [articol]Palanivel, Manikannan; Kaithamalai, Udhayakumar
2019IOT - Interoperability and dynamic workflow composition – challenges and perspectives [articol]Suresh Kumar, V.; Kuppusamy, P.G.; Karthikeyan, A.
2019Contribution to improving the performances of electro-mechanical actuators based on squirrel cage induction motor [articol]Maddi, Z.; Aouzellag, D.
1996Tehnologia de fabricare, reparare şi încercare a vagoanelor. Partea 1-aDungan, Mircea Corneliu
2019Reactive Power Compensation with DSTATCOM in different modes of operation of a Single Phase Micro grid [articol]Rami Reddy, Ch.; Rajann, B.V.; Harinadha Reddy, K.; Siva Reddy, K. V.; Prasanna Lakshmi, B.