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Results 6341-6350 of 6758 (Search time: 0.019 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Analysis of Electrical Insulation Parameters of Nano Modified Corn Oil for Distribution Line Power Transformer Applications [articol]Muruganantham, J.; Chandrasekar, S.; Karthik, B.
2019Advanced development and design of multiphase radial distribution system workstation for performing load flow analysis under normal and abnormal conditions [articol]Mariaraja, P.; Manigandan, T.; Thiruvenkadam, S.
2019PLL-Less Adaline-Based Control Of Self Supported DVR For Grid Voltage Distortion And Imbalances [articol]Pratap Singh, S.; Hamid Bhat, A.
2019Design Analysis and Experimentation of High step up, High efficiency Isolated SEPIC Converter [articol]Sathya Narayanan, T.K.S.; Ramasamy, M.; Chokkalingam, B.
2019Study on the Deformation of Water Droplets under a Time-Varying Electric Field [articol]Tanthanuch, Nutthaphong
2019Understanding the breakdown characteristics of nano mineral oil under non-standard transient voltages [articol]Sivakamasundari, N.; Bharathi, N.; Bharathi, R.
2019Application of Soft Computing Methods for Fault Diagnosis in Power Transformers [articol]Venkatasami, A.; Latha, P.
2019Investigations on photovoltaic module sustained control of AC drives utilizing Matlab/Simulink [articol]Thamizhazhagan, P.; Sutha, S.
2019Simulation study of ANFIS controller for sensorless induction motor drives at low speeds [articol]Maheswari, N.V. Uma; Sahaya Shanthi, L. Jessi
2018Design of State Feedback Controller for positive output elementary super-lift DC-DC Luo converter for Low Power Applications [articol]LekshmiSree, B.; Umamaheswari, M.G.; Veerasamy, Veerapandiyan