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Results 6371-6380 of 6758 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Design and analysis of an improved high gain non isolated interleaved boost converter for solar photovoltaic applications [articol]Lakshmi, S.; Ramaprabha, R.
2018Meta heuristic based simulated anealing approach for design of U-shaped manufacturing assembly line balancing [articol]Thangadurai, V.
2018Comparison of Potential of Natural and Synthetic Multifunctional Additives with Natural Ester and Mineral Oil for Transformer Applications [articol]Srinivasan, M.; Ragupathy, U.S.; Raymon, A.
2018Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme combined HACH - PSO algorithm for Energy Balance and Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network [articol]SriVenkateswaran, C.; Sivakumar, D.
2018Torque Ripple Minimization of PMSM using Adaptive Feedback Linearization based Direct Torque Control [articol]Suja, R.; Subha Karuvelam, P.
2018Analysing of optimizing call admission in cellular networks using evolutionary algorithm [articol]Subramaniam, Malathy; Jaipriya, S.; Divya, K.; Anitha, G.; Jayarajan, P.
2018Design and development of driver’s drowsiness detection system using biological parameters [articol]Mani, Sridevi; Alavandar, Srinivasan; Pasupathy, MadhavaSarma
2018A Novel Hybrid Algorithm for Power Flow Control of Grid-Connected Hybrid Renewable Energy System [articol]Mahendran, K.; Prabha, S.U.
2018Co-ordinated fortification by means of angle impedance relay in a multi-infeed dispersed generation included to grid [articolThangalakshmi, S.
2018Analysis of combined economic and emission load dispatch problem with generator constraints using different technique: A review [articol]Thenmalar, K.; Gopinath, B.; Tamil Nadu, Nammakkal