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Results 6381-6390 of 6758 (Search time: 0.02 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Comunicare în sprijinul sustenabilității: diagnoză, intervenție și experiență transformatoare într-un campus studențesc = Communicating sustainability: diagnosis, intervention, and transformative experiences on a student campusGherheș, Vasile (coord.); Dragomir, Gabriel-Mugurel; Cernicova-Bucă, Mariana; Palea, Adina
2018A new PWM modulated multilevel inverter topology with reduced switch count in conduction path [articol]Anbarasan, P.; Ramkumar, S.; Thamizharasan, S.
2018Real time implementation of robust controller based tuning for desired closed-loop response for SI/SO systems [articol]Bose, Muthuraj; Chelliah, Pandeeswaran
1990Balanţe şi optimizări energetice. Vol.1Duşa, Vasile
2018Power Quality Analysis of Hybrid Cuk Converter Based on Micro Grid Distributed Power Generation System [articol]Vasudevan, K.; Ramesh, P.
2018An efficient controlling system for maintaining the temperature of continuous stirred tank heater [articol]Pooranapriya, K.; Karthikeyan, M.
2018Energy efficient mac protocol design for remote patient monitoring and medication system using internet of things (IoT) [articol]Chelliah, Pandeeswaran; Bose, Muthuraj; Manoj R., Joseph
2018An advanced implementation of the voltage level monitoring and control using soft sensor methods for unified power quality conditioner [articol]MadhavaSarma, P.; Arulkumar, S.; Sridevi, M.; Veeraragavan, P.; Alavandar, Srinivasan
2018Energy efficient pathway scheme for reducing delay in wireless sensor network [articol]Jeyakumar, Joseph; Lingeshwari, S.; Anto Pravin, R.
2018Energy efficient clustreing methods in wireless sensor networks using binary coded genetic algorithm [articol]S. Jesudurai, Anthony; Senthilkumar, A.; Sanjeevi Gandhi, A.