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Results 6411-6420 of 6758 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018An effective controller design for switched capacitor LUO converter used in hybrid electric vehicle application [articol]Devi Vidhya, S.; Balaji, M.
2018A Direct Scheme for Order Reduction of Linear Discrete Systems and Stabilization using Lower Order Model [articol]Malathi, N.; Devarajan, N.
2018Transformerless H-bridge inverter based PV system for harmonic current compensation [articol]Arulmurugan, R.
2018Development of 𝒅˗𝒒 WPT-based digital protection for symmetrical faults occurring during power swings [articol]Devi, R.; Shanmuga Vadivoo, N.
2018Hardware implementation and analysis of different sources fed hybrid cascaded h-bridge fifteen level inverter [articol]Arunkumar, G. S.; Ananthamoorthy, N. P.
2018KF Filter Algorithm in Multilevel Inverter for Harmonics Reduction [articol]Dhineshkumar, K.; Subramani, C.
2018Adaptive prediction model for effective maintenance of electrical machines [articol]Ganga, D.; Ramachandran, V.
2018A Comparative Study of a Robust Multivariable and Monovariable H∞ Controllers for Speed and direct current regulation of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Powered by an Inverter Voltage [articol]Khedri, J.; Chaabane, M.; Souissi, M.
2018Unified control of Dc-DC converters using gain scheduled dynamic adaptive controller for portable device applications [articol]Kanimozhi, K.; Mohamed Rabi, B. Raja
2018Multi-response optimization for nano fluids based mixed insulating fluids using RSM based desirability analysis [articol]Kumaresh, S.S.; Malleswaran, M.