Drought is a major issue that humanity
confronts with and due to its vast ramifications, it is also
most difficult to solve. Being a natural phenomenon, it
has various manifestations which scalars have
categorized into meteorological, agricultural,
hydrological, environmental and others, in order to
better define and understand this phenomenon. Several
drought indices have been proposed by different
scholars for measuring it which take rainfall,
temperature, sun shining and other features into
account. This of course, led to a variety of
interpretations which makes the phenomenon even
more difficult to size up and quantify its devastating
effects on a long-term scale. The seven indexes this
paper makes use of, for calculating drought are: N.
Topor index, De Martonne index, Domuta
hydroheliothermal index, Selianinov hydrothermal
index, Palfai drought index and Lang rain index. In this
paper, the case study conducted for Lugoj in the 1980-
2014 period reveals alternating wet and dry periods
which do not pose any threat of aridisation or
desertification soon. However, a constant monitoring is
imposed for these phenomena not to occur, made by the
authorized law enforcement together with specialists
from various fields.