Depozitul digital / The digital library BUPT: Recent submissions

  • Popa, Rustem (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    Evolutionary design might be a promising option to the conventional design of electronic circuits. Each project is assembled from a number of component parts and then is tested in the frame of an evolutionary algorithm. ...
  • Buciu, Ioan (Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2008)
    This thesis presents several original authors' contributions related to two topics of human face analysis, namely face detection task and facial expression classification task, respectively. The original work is presented ...
  • Călin, Laurenţiu (Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2008)
    Oportunitatea realizării tezei este pusă în evidenţă de faptul că însemnate cantităţi de cereale pot fi salvate de la distrugere, prin adoptarea unor metode moderne de uscare, în condiţiile existenţei controlului asupra ...
  • Popa, Gheorghe Daniel; Oteșteanu, Marius-Emil (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    The purpose of this paper is to find a solution to implement a portable PCM analyzer composed of two blocks: a small PCM interface module and a usual PC, which runs a graphical user interface software. The PCM interface ...
  • Pop, Petre G.; Lupu, Eugen (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    TESPAR (Time Encoding Signal Processing and Recognition) is a processing and recognition method in the time domain, proposed by [1]. The key problem in TESPAR is to define the alphabet used for the coding process, alphabet ...
  • Polgar, Zsolt; Năstase, Ana; Bota, Vasile (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    The Guruswami-Sudan (GS) decoding algorithm is a list-type decoding algorithm that corrects more errors than the “declared” capability, for certain coding rates of the Reed-Solomon (RS) codes. Using computer simulations, ...
  • Pletea, Irinel Valentin; Alexa, Dimitrie (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    The paper proposes a new uncontrolled single-phase rectifier, which does not inject inadmissible current harmonics in the AC mains. Such a rectifier does not necessitate on the AC side classic passive filters or active ...
  • Partheniu, Cezar (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    A generalized normalized gradient descend (GNGD) algorithm for linear finite-impulse response is presented and analized. The GNGD is an extension of the normalized least mean square (NLMS) algorithm by means of an additional ...
  • Pană, Gheorghe; Mailat, Adrian; Crăciun, Adrian Virgil; Romanca, Mihai (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    Circuit simulation by computer (SPICE simulation) has become a powerful and indispensable tool in both circuit analysis and design. This paper presents the identification of op amp parameters based on the SPICE model from ...
  • Păun, Adrian-Florin; Obreja, Şerban Georgică (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    In this paper, a low complexity decision feedback equalizer (DFE) appropriate for channels with long and sparse impulse response (IR) is studied. Such channels are encountered in many high-speed wireless communications ...
  • Oteșteanu, Marius-Emil; Criste, Daniel (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    The paper presents high precision electronic solutions for propulsion and steerage an air-cushion industrial transporter. Compared to the usual on / off control solution for electromechanical interfaces, the proposed ...
  • Osborne, Dominic; Abbott, Derek; Sorell, Matthew; Rogers, Derek (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    Digital medical images require that information quality cannot be comphromised. With increasing demands to communicate these types of images over wireless systems, the need to verify image integrity is mandatory. This paper ...
  • Orza, Bogdan; Gîvan, M.; Vlad, A.; Olah, A.; Vlaicu, Aurel (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    IeL Com is a module of the integrated environment for educational activities management IeL. This module, developed by us, permits students, professors, tutors and administrators to communicate each other using a chat-whiteboard ...
  • Oniga, Ştefan; Tiponuţ, Virgil; Buchman, Attila; Mic, Daniel (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    The goal of this work is to build smart interfaces with learning and adaptive capability. The key element of the learning and adaptive behavior are artificial neural network (ANN) blocks, implemented in FPGA using the ...
  • Oltean, Marius; Mârza, Eugen; Naforniţă, Miranda (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    In an OFDM system, various modulation methods can be used in order to encode the binary information. If a differential phase modulation scheme is chosen, data can be encoded in the relative phase of consecutive symbols in ...
  • Oltean, Gabriel (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    The paper proposes a new multiobjective optimization method, based on fuzzy techniques. The method performs a real multiobjective optimization, every parameter modification taking into account the unfulfillment degrees of ...
  • Obreja, Şerban Georgică; Păun, Adrian-Florin (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    This paper analizes the performance of a Terrestrial Digital Television system. The performances are estimated using a Matlab Simulink model for the DVB-T system.
  • Negoiţescu, Dan (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    In the present paper is developed a small signal averaged model for a single phase APF circuit. The model can be applied to both unipolar and bipolar topologies. Based on the APF model, a controller design strategy is ...
  • Neagoe, Victor (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    We present an original approach to the design and test of a Syntactical Self-Organizing Map (SSOM). The proposed SSOM is based on Levensthein metrics and it uses a symbolic representation for both the inputs and also the ...
  • Neagoe, Victor; Ropot, Armand-Dragoș (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    We investigate multispectral space image classification using the new neural model called Concurrent Self-Organizing Maps (CSOM), representing a winner-takes-all collection of small modular self-organizing neural networks. ...