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Titlu: Technical solutions about how to use the geosynthetics materials in drainage systems [articol]
Autori: Man, Eugen Teodor
Blenesi-Dima, Attila
Subiecte: Geosynthetics
Civil engineering
Land slops
Erosion control
Data publicării: 2010
Editura: Timişoara: Editura Politehnica
Citare: Man, Eugen Teodor. Technical solutions about how to use the geosynthetics materials in drainage systems. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2010
Serie/Nr. raport: Seria hidrotehnică, Tom 55(69), fasc. 1, 2 (2010);
Abstract: Geosynthetics is the term used to describe a range of generally polymeric products used to solve civil engineering problems. The term is generally regarded to encompass eight main product categories: geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners, geofoam, geocells (cellular confinement) and geocomposites. The polymeric nature of the products makes them suitable for use in the ground where high levels of durability are required. Properly formulated, however, they can also be used in exposed applications. Geosynthetics are available in a wide range of forms and materials, each to suit a slightly different end use. These products have a wide range of applications and are currently used in many civil, geotechnical, transportation, geoenvironmental, hydraulic, and private development applications including roads, airfields, railroads, embankments, retaining structures, reservoirs, canals, dams, erosion control, sediment control, landfill liners, landfill covers, mining, aquaculture and agriculture. The paper presents basic aspects of geotextiles, drainage, geocomposite designissues and technical solutions of their use.
URI: http://primo.upt.ro:1701/primo-explore/search?query=any,contains,Technical%20solutions%20about%20how%20to%20use%20the%20geosynthetics%20materials%20in%20drainage%20systems&tab=default_tab&search_scope=40TUT&vid=40TUT_V1&lang=ro_RO&offset=0 Link Primo
Colecţia:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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