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Titlu: Background groundwater inflow analysis [articol]
Autori: Ștefănescu, Camelia
Beilicci, Erika Beata Maria
Beilicci, Robert Florin
Subiecte: Ape subterane
Groundwater table
Data publicării: 2012
Editura: Timişoara:Editura Politehnica
Citare: Ştefănescu, Camelia. Background groundwater inflow analysis. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2012
Serie/Nr. raport: Seria hidrotehnică;Tom 57(71), fasc. 2 (2012)
Abstract: As a consequence of centuries of impacting on natural aquifers and exploitation of the reserves of the subsurface, and under current climate changes, numerous urban areas now suffer severe and irreversible remote damage. This example will demonstrate the use of MODRET to estimate the amount of background groundwater seepage into a ditch or a pond, and the groundwater drawdown effects adjacent to a pond or a ditch and also demonstrate the procedures to utilize the limited data of a soil survey book, which does not have the benefit of pond specific soil data, and therefore, the data must be used conse
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Colecţia:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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