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Title: Controlling a Hi-Fi audio amplifier on I2C bus using microcontroller AT89S8252 [articol]
Authors: Duma, Petruţ
Scripcariu, Luminiţa
Subjects: Hi-Fi audio amplifier
Sound fader control circuit
ATMEL microcontroller
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Timişoara: Editura Politehnica
Citation: Duma, Petruţ. Controlling a Hi-Fi audio amplifier on I2C bus using microcontroller AT89S8252. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2006
Series/Report no.: Seria electronică şi telecomunicaţii, Tom 51(65), fasc. 1 (2006)
Abstract: The paper presents the hardware structure of a Hi-Fi audio amplifying chain consisting of a sound fader control circuit and a power amplifier, both digitally controlled by microcontroller AT89S825 on I2C bus. The authors have built in practice this application within the university’s laboratory. The user is able to control the operation the audio amplifier using switches and a LCD. The command program that the authors wrote in assembly language, operates in real-time and presents the user with an interactive way to activate various features and to adjust the amplifier’s parameters.
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Appears in Collections:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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