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Titlu: Redefining “Public Relations” in the 21st century [articol]
Autori: Cernicova, Mariana
Subiecte: Definition
Professional association
Communities of practice
Public relations
Communication science
Data publicării: 2016
Editura: Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara
Citare: Mariana, Cernicova. Redefining “Public Relations” in the 21st century. Timișoara: Politehnica University Press, 2016 Disponibil la https://doi.org/10.59168/UCOF6866
Serie/Nr. raport: Professional communication and translation studies;9 / 2016
Abstract: Understanding that “Public Relations” represent a dynamic and evolving practice, a number of influential professional associations (PRSA, CIPR, CPRS) embarked, in the last 10 years, upon the mission to redefine the notion. This debate has consequences both on the communities of practice in PR, and on the education of future professionals. While the debate includes an increasing number of ideas, the social media evolution puts pressure on the communication sciences area, to acknowledge and formalize addition al tasks for the PR practitioners. The paper looks into the results of the debate and reflects upon the teaching and research that should follow the attempt to revolutionize the PR profession and practice.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5223
https://search.crossref.org/search/works?q=10.59168%2FUCOF6866&from_ui=yes Link DOI
Colecţia:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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