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dc.contributor.authorCaciulan, Larisa Ruxandra-
dc.contributor.authorMihart, Laura Anca-
dc.contributor.authorVagner, Denisa Florena-
dc.contributor.authorVodislav, Miruna Georgiana-
dc.contributor.authorIvascu, Larisa-
dc.contributor.authorTamasila, Matei-
dc.identifierDOI: 10.59168/BRKQ4924-
dc.identifier.citationCaciulan, Larisa Ruxandra. Evaluating the impact of promotional activity on marketing.Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2017 https://doi.org/10.59168/BRKQ4924en_US
dc.description.abstractPromoting is part of the marketing mix. The promotional activity communicates the benefits of the products or actions of potential and current customers. The tools used in the promotional mix are advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, personal sale and sponsorship. This study carries out a marketing analysis to promote products with promoters. The study is based on questionnaire research and literature research. At the end of this article is developed a conceptual framework for intercourse with the client in promoting direct communication strategies by exploiting the concepts of promotion such as target audience, marketing messages, communication channels, Promotional budgets and promotional performance monitoring.en_US
dc.publisherTimișoara : Editura Politehnicaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesTransactions on engineering and management;Vol.3, number 1 (2017);-
dc.subjectPromotional mixen_US
dc.subjectDirect marketingen_US
dc.titleEvaluating the Impact of promotional activity on marketing [articol]en_US
Colecţia:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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