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Titlu: Electrochemical detection of certain specific pollutants from water using nanostructured carbon-based composite electrodes
Autori: Scheau, Anamaria Simona
Subiecte: Electrochimie
Detectare electrochimică
Teză de doctorat
Data publicării: 2012
Editura: Timişoara: Editura Politehnica
Citare: Scheau, Anamaria Simona. Electrochemical detection of certain specific pollutants from water using nanostructured carbon-based composite electrodes. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2012
Serie/Nr. raport: 4 Inginerie Chimică;65
Abstract: This research aimed the elaboration and manufacturing of some carbon based composite electrode materials with useful properties for the electrochemical detection of persistent organic pollutants from water. Also, the elaboration and manufacturing of silver-(doped zeolite)-modified carbon based composite electrodes suitable for the electrochemical detection of arsenic from water was aimed. Morphological, electrical and electrochemical characterization of the electrode materials was investigated. The electrode materials behaviour in different supporting electrolytes and in the presence of the target analyte, to establish the relationship between obtained electrode material and reaction type was assessed. The detection protocols for both the individual electrochemical determination of pentachlorophenol, arsenic (III) and simultaneous electrochemical determination of arsenic (III) and lead (II) from water were elaborated based on the assessment of the detection experiments performance. Specific informations regarding the voltammetric/amperometric detection type, detection potential value, concentration ranges, electrode sensitivity, stability, reproducibility and lifetime, detection limits, calibration were provided. Exploitation of the specific features of the pulsed voltammetric/amperometric techniques allowed improving the electroanalytical performance for the detection of the pollutant from water. The specific compositions of the unmodified/silver-modified carbon-based composite electrodes were selected to elaborate the detectors characterized by the real utility potential for pentachlorophenol, arsenic (III) and lead (II) detection from water.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/620
ISBN: 9786065545847
Colecţia:Teze de doctorat/Phd theses

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