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Title: Analysis of the effect of intercultural communication on the quality of internal audit: A literature review [articol]
Authors: Bouziane, Karima
Bouziane, Abdelmounim
Subjects: Cross-cultural communication
Audit quality
Internal audit
Cross-cultural differences
International organizations
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Timişoara: Editura Politehnica
Citation: Bouziane, Karima; Bouziane, Abdelmounim. Analysis of the effect of intercultural communication on the quality of internal audit: A literature review. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2024. Disponibil la:
Series/Report no.: Buletinul Știinţific al Universităţii Politehnica Timişoara. Seria Limbi moderne=Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timişoara Transactions on Modern Languages, Vol. 23, Issue 1 / 2024
Abstract: In a globalized economic context, the quality of internal auditing has become a cornerstone of corporate governance, helping organizations effectively manage risks, make informed decisions, and maintain regulatory compliance. However, within international structures, cross-cultural communication emerges as a significant factor that significantly influences this quality of internal auditing. This article presents a comprehensive literature review that explores the complex relationship between cross-cultural communication and internal auditing in an international context. By analyzing and summarizing previous research, this study aims to highlight the critical role of cross-cultural communication in enhancing the quality of internal auditing, while identifying the key mechanisms and factors at play. The article proposes a research model that will serve as a starting point for studies aiming to analyze the impact of cross-cultural communication on audit quality.
ISSN: 1583-7467
Appears in Collections:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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