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Title: Design and development of driver’s drowsiness detection system using biological parameters [articol]
Authors: Mani, Sridevi
Alavandar, Srinivasan
Pasupathy, MadhavaSarma
Subjects: Drowsiness detection system
Fuzzy logic
FIS editor
Image processing
Eye pattern
Facial expressions
Kalman filter
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Timișoara : Editura Politehnica
Citation: Mani,Sridevi; Alavandar,Srinivasan; Pasupathy, MadhavaSarma: Design and development of driver’s drowsiness detection system using biological parameters. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2018.
Series/Report no.: Journal of Electrical Engineering;Vol 18 No 4
Abstract: Recent years increase in use of automobiles has resulted in road accidents alarming the road safety. One of the major reasons for accident is decrease in driver alertness or drivers falling asleep. Hence, an Intelligent Driver’s Drowsiness detection and prevention system using biological parameters of the driver without driver’s awareness for Road safety has to be designed and developed. In this system, we are determining the drowsiness of the driver by using biological parameter namely facial expressions which is to be monitored and recorded without the awareness of the driver. As drowsiness is detected, a signal is issued to alert the driver. The system deals with detecting face and eyes within the specific segment of the image. Drowsiness is determined by observing the eye blinking action of the driver.
ISSN: 1582-4594
Appears in Collections:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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