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Titlu: | Co-ordinated fortification by means of angle impedance relay in a multi-infeed dispersed generation included to grid [articol |
Autori: | Thangalakshmi, S. |
Subiecte: | Feeder protection Distributed Generation Distribution system Distance relay Angle impedance |
Data publicării: | 2018 |
Editura: | Timișoara : Editura Politehnica |
Citare: | Thangalakshmi,S.: Co-ordinated fortification by means of angle impedance relay in a multi-infeed dispersed generation included to grid. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2018. |
Serie/Nr. raport: | Journal of Electrical Engineering;Vol 18 No 4 |
Abstract: | There are few practical restrictions in the assimilation of dispersed generation (DG) in the distribution scheme. Adding fairly big quantity of generation to the distribution network can affect the normal assumptions used in the protection plans of overcurrent fortification. This problem becomes more predominant when the DG capacity within the given area counter balances the load. The availability of DG is not constant and is dynamic in nature. The nature and the severity of fault current should also be accounted. The anti-islanding, the temporary over-voltages at the time of fault, reduction of sensitivity for extended feeder are the key issues which are discussed in this paper. This paper focuses on solving few issues related to integration of DG with the help of impedance relays which is used for distribution line protection. |
URI: | https://dspace.upt.ro/xmlui/handle/123456789/7189 |
ISSN: | 1582-4594 |
Colecţia: | Articole științifice/Scientific articles |
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