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Titlu: Novel three Phase Quasi Z source Multilevel Inverter Topology forWind Turbine Driven Permanent Magnet Generator [articol]
Autori: Maheswari, K.T.
Bharani Kumar, R.
Subiecte: Permanent Magnet Generator
Quasi Z source Multilevel Inverter
Total Harmonic Distortion
Wind Turbine
Data publicării: 2018
Editura: Timișoara : Editura Politehnica
Citare: Maheswari ,K.T.; Bharani Kumar,R.: Novel three Phase Quasi Z source Multilevel Inverter Topology forWind Turbine Driven Permanent Magnet Generator. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2018.
Serie/Nr. raport: Journal of Electrical Engineering;Vol 18 No 3
Abstract: This paper presents the utilization of multilevel inverter that has been designed to reduce the circuit complexity and optimizing the use of bidirectional switches. A new three phase Quasi Z source multilevel inverter (QZS-MLI) for direct drive wind turbine generator applications has been proposed. The proposed inverter consists of an auxiliary circuit, made up of inductor and capacitor network and 5 bidirectional switches along with the full bridge inverter configuration. The proposed QZSMLI is able to produce 7 levels of staircase waveforms with only 2 shared power switches. The output voltage is similar to the conventional multilevel inverters but with less power switches and THD. A modified carrier based level shifted pulse width modulation control strategy has also been developed. The performance of the proposed inverter is analyzed through MATLAB/SIMULINK and the results are verified with experimental setup.
URI: https://dspace.upt.ro/xmlui/handle/123456789/7267
ISSN: 1582-4594
Colecţia:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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