ClassF3 amplifier circuit is a good interface between semi converter and induction heater. The aim of this work is to improve the dynamic response of closed loop-controlled class F3 based IH system. Circuit modeling and simulation analysis of hysteretic controlled class F3 based induction heating system described in the paper. Class F3 amplifier is suggested in the present work to generate quick heat in the induction cooker. Class F3 amplifier is a simple system with single switch and reactive elements. The class F3 amplifier produces high frequency currents required by the load. Closed loop system with and without hysteretic element are simulated and the corresponding results are presented. The results of comparative study are presented to show the reduction in current ripple. The time domain parameters and the THD content are also improved. The hardware is engineered and the test results are presented. A simple hysteretic control is applied to Induction heating system. The results indicate that the output current THD is reduced by using the hysteretic controller.