A fuzzy and Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
based photovoltaic power generation for single phase
micro grid inverter system with employing flyback
transformer is presented in the present study. To obtain
maximum power from renewable source, the researchers
introduce a Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm
with new sampling method. Fuzzy Logic Generated Space
Vector Pulse Width Modulation (FSVPWM) closed loop
control scheme is used to generate the suitable switching
frequency to the inverter switches. The motive of the
mamdhani fuzzy logic approach and back propagation
based neural network is implemented to achieve high
quality and reliable output, very low Total Harmonic
Distortion (THD) with inductive load. Also THD of the
inverter result is compared with Proportional Integral (PI)
controller. The present proposed study is designed with the
help of MATLAB/ Simulink and the real time hardware
were designed for 2Kw rating.