Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET’s) environments greatly suffered from fluctuating connectivity conditions too broadcasting contention amongst the locations that adapt the situation. Although the several on-going endeavors, no meek as well as real explanation has been obtainable that can be simply organized also manage with the real-life environments and limitations. It is important to increase Quality of Service (QoS) and attain better performance in MANET environments. The QOS Aware Routing protocol (QOSAR) is used to discover backup routes for the active sessions and Link Disjoint Interference Aware (LDIA) QoS routing protocol based on MARIA is used to find multiple paths without any interferences. In this paper, a new distributed admission control procedure is proposed for improving QoS in MANET environment. This protocol called as Distributed Admission Control Protocol with Quality of service (DACP-QoS) uses the flow based on the per-hop basis. The proposed DACP-QoS greatly improves the QoS of the network. This protocol also supports multimedia applications in MANETs with minimum overhead. The proposed protocol achieved better performance than the existing QOSAR and LDIA protocol.