This paper presents solutions to Generation Expansion Planning (GEP) problem for an Indian state, Telangana power system. GEP is a highly constrained and non-linear optimization problem. In early days, the electricity generation was mostly from conventional types of plants and the GEP problems were solved with only conventional plants as expansion candidate plants which emit Green House Gases (GHG) and other pollutants lead to environmental pollution. Due to higher reduction rate of fossil fuels and pollution impacts, it is important to consider Renewable Energy Sources (RES) such as wind, solar, biomass etc., as alternatives for planning the future power system. In this research study, Long-range Energy Alternative Planning (LEAP) software has been used for solving the GEP problem for the state of Telangana for fifteen years from 2016 to 2030. The various scenarios are proposed such as Green House Gases Mitigation Scenario (GHGMS), Low Demand Growth Scenario (LDGS) and two different High Demand Growth Scenarios (HDGS1 and HDGS2) in addition to Reference Scenario (REFS). In all scenarios, the various system performance factors like installed capacity required, emission of pollutants, reliability and total cost are analyzed using LEAP.