Normally, the nature of the wind energy as a
renewable energy sources has uncertainty in generation.
To solve the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem, this
paper proposed a new Hybrid Multi Objective Artificial
Physical Optimization (HMOAPO) algorithm, which
does not need the control parameters unlike other metaheuristic
algorithms in the literature. Artificial Physical
Optimization (APO), a moderately new population-based
intelligence algorithm, shows fine performance on
optimization problems. Moreover, this paper presents
hybrid form of Animal Migration Optimization (AMO)
Algorithm to precise the convergence characteristic of
APO.The OPF problem is considered with six different
test cases, the effectiveness of the proposed HMOAPO
method is tested on IEEE 30-bus, IEEE 118-bus and
IEEE 300-bus test system. The obtained results from the
HMOAPO algorithm are compared with the other
optimization techniques in the literature. The obtained
comparison results indicate that proposed solution is
effective to reach optimal solution for the OPF problem.