Depozitul digital / The digital library BUPT: Recent submissions

  • Ionaşcu, Cristian; Burdia, Dănuţ; Dimitriu, Bogdan (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    One of the challenges in digital systems is the distribution of the generated on-chip clock with a small uncertainty. In this paper a high performance compensated delay cell concept it is presented. It is based on a current ...
  • Ignea, Alimpie,; Mihăiuţi, Adrian (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    The measurement of dc magnetic field, especially for low intensities, returns in actuality. Beyond the importance of measuring the terrestrial magnetic field with his variations, a large amount of new standards concerning ...
  • Galaţchi, Dan; Zoican, Roxana (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    In this paper we identify and analyze the main problems that occur when combining the DiffServ approach with the multicast in ordinary networks and mobile networks. Based on this we motivate our proposed solutions and the ...
  • Enescu, Andrei Alexandru; Paleologu, Constantin; Ciochină, Silviu (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    This paper deals with modifications brought to the QRD-LSL algorithm presented in [5], in order to implement it on Digital Signal Processor (DSP). It is necessary to choose a powerful processor, with a parallel architecture ...
  • Ene, Daniel Victoraș; Udrea, Radu Mihnea; Pirnog, Ionuț; Sucholotiuc, Cristina (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    This paper presents implementation aspects of a DVB-T modulator on MSC8101 Motorola DSP. It gives a general description of the DVB-T system, but it also identifies all the main processes applied to the data stream: starting ...
  • Beilicci, Erika Beata Maria; Beilicci, Robert Florin (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2018)
    Unsuitable landfills contain significant amounts of waste accumulated over the years, representing significant sources of soil, air and groundwater pollution and population illness. There is a need to identify the problems ...
  • Mihai, Dorel (Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2007)
    Sunt prezentate structura şi proprietăţile lemnului, modul de calcul a elementelor structurale, modul de alcătuire şi comportare a planşeelor şi pereţilor din lemn. Partea experimentală este focalizată pe determinarea ...
  • Beilicci, Erika Beata Maria (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2018)
    For hundreds of years, the Bega Channel was one of the most circulated rivers in the southwestern part of Europe. It was open to navigation in November 1728. For more than a century, until the construction of the first ...
  • Marinescu, Rodica Luminiţa (Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2007)
    Subiectul tezei este deosebit de actual, există multe preocupări în acest sens atât în ţară cât şi în literatura de specialitate. Complexitatea fenomenelor de scurgere (pierdere din conducte), evoluţia lor în timp datorată ...
  • Szabo, Maria-Raluca (Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2008)
    Creşterea nivelului de trai din ultima perioadă s-a remarcat şi în orientarea unui segment din ce în ce mai mare al populaţiei către produse naturale, chiar dacă mai scumpe. Teza prezintă contribuţii referitoare la obţinerea ...
  • Stoica, Daniela-Cătălina (Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2008)
    Procesarea în stare semisoiidă este un o tehnologie apărută în anii 70, încă în stadiu de cercetare pentru aliajele cu temperatură de topire ridicată şi prezintă atât elemente specifice turnării cât şi matriţării. Piesele ...
  • Tamas, Marius-Iulian (Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2008)
    Scopul principal al acestei lucrări este de a acumula cât mai multe informaţii referitoare la aplicarea şi utilizarea nu numai a metodelor ci şi algoritmilor şi modelelor matematice existente în alte domenii în ...
  • Bârliba, Livia Luminiţa; Eleş, Gabriel; Bârliba, Costel; Bârliba, Florin Cristian (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2018)
    The present paper has as purpose the achieving of topographical and cadastre works in order to achieve an Urban Zonal Plan in Petroasa Mare locality. By definition the urban plan establish specific regulation for a area, ...
  • Bârliba, Costel; Eleş, Gabriel; Bârliba, Livia Luminiţa; Bârliba, Florin Cristian (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2018)
    The purpose of this paper is to achieve topographical and bathymetric studies on the river Timiş in order to create possible flood scenarios on the sector located in the northern part of Lugoj and in the south of Coşteiu ...
  • Bădăluţă Minda, Codruţa (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2018)
    The renaturation or the ecological rehabilitation is considered by many specialists the ultimate test of the day by day implementation of the ecological science as an autonomous system based on natural reproduction and ...
  • Bădăluţă Minda, Codruţa; Podoleanu, Corneliu-Eusebiu (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2018)
    Over time, due to stopping navigation on the channel and thus stopping the maintenance of good water status, the clogging phenomenon has increased. This determines the decrease of the floodlighting potential in the Banat ...
  • Banciu, Marian Gabriel; Lojewski, George Eugen; Nedelcu, Liviu; Ghețu, Dragoș; Militaru, Nicolae; Brînaru, Diana; Petrescu, Teodor (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    Compact planar resonators and filters were designed by using a Finite-Difference Time-Domain method. The accuracy of the FDTD method was increased by extending the Bérenger’s perfectly matched layer to non-homogeneous ...
  • Baltă, Horia; Kovaci, Maria (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    In this paper are presented and compared the BER performances obtained by the simulation of a transmission system, which utilizes the forward error correcting by codes concatenation and iterative decoding (turbo coding). ...
  • Baltă, Horia; Kovaci, Maria (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    In the paper, a study of some turbo decoding iterative algorithms: MAP, MaxLogMAP, LogMAP, is presented. For the correction of the approximation used in the MAxLogMAP algorithm two methods are proposed obtaining two LogMAP ...
  • Bakó, László; Székely, Iuliu; Brassai, Tihamér Sándor (Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2004)
    Neurobiological research has lead to the birth of third generation (neuromorphic) artificial neural networks. One of these models is based on the natural “spiking” neural behavior, which creates the basis of our research. ...