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Showing results 41 to 60 of 6284 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Acţionări electrice cu servomotoareMuşuroi, Sorin; Popovici, Dorin
1956Acţionări electromecanice : lucrări de laboratorBogoevici, Nicolae; Seracin, Eugen; Vazdauteanu, V.
1990Acţionări hidraulice şi pneumatice : curs. Vol. 1Bălăşoiu, Victor
1991Acţionări şi comenzi hidropneumatice : îndrumător de calcul şi proiectareBălăşoiu, Victor; Raszga, Călin; Anton, Liviu Eugen
2012Adaptarea agregatelor aeroelectrice de mică putere la oferta amplasamentelorTodor, Nichifor
2021Adaptation problems of Romanian students to technical higher education [articol]Todorescu, Liliana-Luminița; Dragomir, Gabriel-Mugurel; Greculescu, Anca
2006Adapting a normalized gradient subspace algorithm to real-valued data model [articol]Slavnicu, Ștefan; Ciochină, Silviu
2017Adapting materials for teaching business English [articol]Para, Iulia
2012Adaptive beamforming applied for signals estimated with MUSIC algorithm [articol]Vesa, Andy Răzvan; Naforniţă, Ioan
2021An adaptive chromosome based cost aggregation approach for developing a high quality stereo vision model [articol]Rajeshkannan, S.; Vasudevan, B.; Kumar, J. Siva
2004Adaptive filtering algorithms [articol]Szopos, Erwin; Toma, Norbert; Ţopa, Marina
2020Adaptive Incremental-Conductance MPPT based solar PV system for electric vehicles [articol]Karthikeyan, K.; Patnaik, S.K.; Deiva Sundari, P.; Anuradha, T.
2019An adaptive intelligent sliding mode control method for BLDC motor using optimized fuzzy PID controller [articol]Maya, R.; Sahaya Shanthi, L. Jessi
2004Adaptive interfaces based on FPGA implemented artificial neural network [articol]Oniga, Ştefan; Tiponuţ, Virgil; Buchman, Attila; Mic, Daniel
2020Adaptive PSO using pattern search method for load frequency control [articol]Parassuram, A.; Somasundaram, P.
2020Adaptive single pole automatic reclosure for compensated transmission systems [articol]Adly, Ahmed R.; El Sehiemy, Ragab A.; Elsadd, Mahmoud A.; Abdelaziz, Almoataz Y.
2019An adaptive step-size using modified FXLMS algorithm for feedforward active noise control systems based on a new online secondary path modeling technique [articol]Saravanan, V.; Santhiyakumari, N.
2015Adaptive traffic control using bio-inspired optimizationCoșariu, Cristian
2023Additive Manufacturing of Liquid-Cooled Ceramic Heat Sinks: An Experimental and Numerical Study [Link]Haoyuan, Wang; Kehui, Hu; Ming, Cheng
2024Addressing the challenges of generative AI in English language teaching [articol]Bran, Ramona; Grosseck, Gabriela