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Titlu: Contribution to a GSM handsfree system operating in the time domain
Autori: Kremmer, Ingrid
Subiecte: GSM
Global System for Mobile Communications
Teză de doctorat
Data publicării: 1998
Editura: University "Politehnica" of Timişoara, Faculty of Automatics and Computers, Department of Computer & Software Engineering
Citare: Kremmer, Ingrid. Contribution to a GSM handsfree system operating in the time domain. Timişoara: University "Politehnica" of Timişoara, Faculty of Automatics and Computers, Department of Computer & Software Engineering, 1998
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5024
Colecţia:Teze de doctorat/Phd theses

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