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Titlu: A terminological perspective on legal translation [articol]
Autori: Cosmulescu, Andreea Maria
Subiecte: Legal translation
Legal terminology
Translation process
Data publicării: 2021
Editura: Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara
Citare: Andreea Maria, Cosmulescu.A terminological perspective on legal translation.Timișoara: Politehnica University Press, 2021 Disponibil la https://doi.org/10.59168/EPBG9565
Serie/Nr. raport: Professional communication and translation studies;14/2021
Abstract: Translation studies have gained considerable importance in terms of their practical utility in various fields of activity. Translation studies, coupled with terminology, can be said to focus on the accurate transfer of meaning between different languages, cultures and systems. The analysis of legal terms in different languages (English, French and Romanian) aims to provide a new perspective upon a highly controversial subject – the interpretation of laws, legislative texts, jurisprudential cases, etc. in accordance with the European Union principles and pragmatic ways of organizing ideas and securing the intended meaning, impacting heavily on legal translators and legal practitioners alike.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/5357
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Colecţia:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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