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Titlu: Bio-inspired obstacle detection system
Autori: Basch, Mihai Emanuel
Subiecte: Electronică
Componente electronice
Tehnologii VLSI
Circuite integrate
Inteligenţă artificială
Sisteme biologice
Teză de doctorat
Data publicării: 2012
Editura: Timişoara: Editura Politehnica
Citare: Basch, Mihai Emanuel. Bio-inspired obstacle detection system. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2012
Serie/Nr. raport: 7 Inginerie Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii;47
Abstract: The main objectives of the thesis are: To present an overview on existing bio-inspired obstacle detection systems; To present an enhanced system of a bio-inspired motion and obstacle detection system that can be used as an assitive device ; To evaluate the functionality of the proposed bio-inspired motion and obstacle detection system; To propose solutions for the implementation of the bioinspired obstacle detection system
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/540
ISBN: 9786065545120
Colecţia:Teze de doctorat/Phd theses

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