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dc.contributor.authorFaruk, Syed Md Golam-
dc.identifier.citationFaruk, Syed Md Golam. English language teaching in Saudi Arabia : a world system perspective. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2013 Disponibil la
dc.identifier.uri,contains,English%20language%20teaching%20in%20Saudi%20Arabia&sortby=rank&offset=0 Link Primo-
dc.identifier.uri Link DOI-
dc.identifier.uri Link Journal-
dc.description.abstractThe paper investigates how English Language Teaching has been adopted to support Saudi Arabia’s integration with Wallerstein’s modern world system, to back its progress from periphery to semi-periphery zone, and to push it from semi-periphery to core zone. To this end, the paper unravels the confluence of the socio-political and economic factors of globalizing Saudi Arabia and analyzes Saudi English Language Education Policies documented in the official papers and textbooks to show how they have been designed to gain Saudis’ consent to accept English simply as a tool to be used at the personal, state, and religious levels.en_US
dc.publisherTimişoara: Editura Politehnicaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSeria limbi moderne, Vol. 12, fasc. 1-2 (2013)-
dc.subjectLimba englezăen_US
dc.subjectÎnvățarea limbiien_US
dc.subjectArabia Saudităen_US
dc.subjectELT (English language teaching)en_US
dc.titleEnglish language teaching in Saudi Arabia [articol] : A world system perspectiveen_US
Appears in Collections:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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