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Titlu: | A Direct Scheme for Order Reduction of Linear Discrete Systems and Stabilization using Lower Order Model [articol] |
Autori: | Malathi, N. Devarajan, N. |
Subiecte: | Linear Time Invariant Discrete System Order reduction Stability Equation Stability Equation Modified Jury’s table PID controller |
Data publicării: | 2018 |
Editura: | Timișoara : Editura Politehnica |
Citare: | Malathi,N.; Devarajan,N.: A Direct Scheme for Order Reduction of Linear Discrete Systems and Stabilization using Lower Order Model. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2018. |
Serie/Nr. raport: | Journal of Electrical Engineering;Vol 18 No 4 |
Abstract: | In this paper, a new simple and direct stability preserving scheme for the order reduction of a stable Linear Time Invariant Discrete Systems (LTIDS) is presented. The reduced order models are derived from the proposed modified Jury’s table. The presented order reduction scheme is direct and the reduced model retains the stability and steady state value of the original system. To judge the effectiveness of the reduced model, a PID controller for the reduced order model is designed, tuned to meet out the desired performance specifications and then it is connected to the original higher order system. The original system with the designed PID controller shows promising results. The validity of the proposed method is illustrated through a numerical example. |
URI: | https://dspace.upt.ro/xmlui/handle/123456789/7223 |
ISSN: | 1582-4594 |
Colecţia: | Articole științifice/Scientific articles |
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