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Titlu: Hardware implementation and analysis of different sources fed hybrid cascaded h-bridge fifteen level inverter [articol]
Autori: Arunkumar, G. S.
Ananthamoorthy, N. P.
Subiecte: H-Bridge Multi-Level Inverter
Multi Output DC-DC Converter
Data publicării: 2018
Editura: Timișoara : Editura Politehnica
Citare: Arunkumar,G.S.; Ananthamoorthy,N.P.: Hardware implementation and analysis of different sources fed hybrid cascaded h-bridge fifteen level inverter. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2018.
Serie/Nr. raport: Journal of Electrical Engineering;Vol 18 No 3
Abstract: A new hybrid single phase H-bridge multilevel inverter (MLI) is designed with less number of power electronic switching devices in order to reduce the Total Harmonic distortion (THD) value of output voltage waveform. The hybrid MLI is designed by using two inverters, which are connected in cascaded to produce fifteen levels output voltage. The outputs of H-bridge MLIs which is fed with three types of inputs namely (i) three separate DC sources, (ii) with single input single output DC-DC boost converter and splitting capacitors, (iii) with single input multi output DC-DC boost converter without splitting capacitors, are compared in this paper. The performance of hybrid H-bridge multilevel inverter is analyzed at different asymmetric conditions using MATLAB (SIMULINK). In order to avoid the voltage balancing problem, multi output DC to DC boost converter is introduced in this proposed work. The simulation results are shown and compared with the results of hybrid 15level multilevel inverter which is fed with separate DC sources, to justify the superiority of proposed method and it is implemented by using SPARTAN 3 DSP kit and the waveforms are presented.
URI: https://dspace.upt.ro/xmlui/handle/123456789/7230
ISSN: 1582-4594
Colecţia:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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