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Titlu: The effect and the influence of climate changes on the meteoric water management in residential and industrial zones [articol]
Autori: Cotoarbă, Liliana
Florescu, Constantin
Stăniloiu, Cristian
Subiecte: Climate changes
Meteorological water management
Meteorological sewerage networks
Hydrocarbon decanters - separators
Retention basins
Data publicării: 2017
Editura: Editura Politehnica
Citare: Cotoarbă, Liliana. The effect and the influence of climate changes on the meteoric water management in residential and industrial zones. Timişoara: Editura Politehnica, 2017
Serie/Nr. raport: Seria hidrotehnică, Vol. 62(76), issue 2 (2017)
Abstract: The paper analyzes the management of meteoric water in residential and industrial areas under the influence of recent climate change. These areas are frequently confronted with floods occurring in periods of heavy rainfall, leading to a centralized meteorological sewerage system. These floods are mainly due to the inability to take the meteoric waters from the drainage channels and the unitary sewerage, which are undersized for the current urban development. The proposed solutions for the management of meteoric waters from residential and industrial areas consist in the construction of sewerage networks in the separating system only for collecting meteoric waters and setting up retention basins for storage during abundant rainfalls. Retention basins will store the amount of meteorological water collected from the areas of residential and industrial areas during precipitation, and after the rainfall will be pumped into the existing sewerage collector, in the nearest emissary or used to water the green areas or at watering the enclosure platforms.
URI: http://primo.upt.ro:1701/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=40TUT000136340&context=L&vid=40TUT_V1&lang=ro_RO&search_scope=40TUT&adaptor=Local%20Search%20Engine&tab=default_tab&query=any,contains,The%20effect%20and%20the%20influence%20of%20climate%20changes%20on%20the%20meteoric%20water%20management%20in%20residential%20and%20industrial%20zones&sortby=rank&offset=0 Link Primo
Colecţia:Articole științifice/Scientific articles

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