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Drăghici, George Emilian
(Timișoara : Editura Politehnica, 2025)
Babescu, Marius
(Timișoara: Centrul de Multiplicare al Universităţii Tehnice din Timişoara, 1994)
Yahmadi, Raja; Brik, Kais; Ben Ammar, Faouzi
(Timișoara : Editura Politehnica, 2018)
This paper aims to ensure the Maximum Battery Reliability (MBR) in the standalone photovoltaic (PV) application by improving the Energy Management System (EMS). In fact, the intermittent nature of PV energy and the unsuitable ...
Shilaja, C.; Ravi, K.
(Timișoara : Editura Politehnica, 2018)
Normally, the nature of the wind energy as a
renewable energy sources has uncertainty in generation.
To solve the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem, this
paper proposed a new Hybrid Multi Objective Artificial
Physical ...
Ramya, G.; Ramaprabha, R.
(Timișoara : Editura Politehnica, 2018)
In this paper, the power loss occurs in single
phase nine level modular multilevel converter for different
pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques is investigated.
The comparative analysis is carried out under ...
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