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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 1504
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020VÎLCEANU TITELA. 2017. Dynamic Interfaces of Translation, Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication. Craiova: Editura Universitaria Craiova. ISBN: 978-606-14-1282-2, pp. 176. [articol]Șimon, Simona
2020Les représentations des étudiants algériens vis-à-vis la langue française [articol]Achouri, Lelia
2020Jumanca, Romanița, Characteristics of the English and Romanian Legal Discourse. A Comparative Approach. Szeged: JATE Press, ISBN: 9789633153734, pp.401 [articol]Oravițan, Alexandru
2020Gherheș, Vasile. 2018. Absolvenți, profesioniști, specialiști. Slalom printre experiențe. Timișoara: Editura Politehnica. ISBN 978-606-35-0242-2, pp. 203 Gherheș, Vasile. 2018. Graduates, Professionals, Specialists. Slalom among Experiences, translation and footnotes by Șimon Simona. București: Eikon. ISBN 978-606-711-964-0, pp. 213 [articol]Stoian, Claudia E.
2020La prise de notes - une approche pratique à l’interprétation consécutive [articol]Kriston, Andrea
2020Sur la cohésion interne des termes complexes. Quelques matrices de formation [articol]Pitar, Mariana
2020Le concept de médiation en langues et en traduction [articol]Pop, Mirela-Cristina
2020On the usefulness of the pragmatic perspective in translation: the case of the speech acts in the EU legal texts [articol]Cozma, Mihaela
2020Collocations as manifestations of sociolect and idiolect in religious discourse. A translation-oriented perspective [articol]Golea, Marius; Pungă, Loredana
2020Understanding technical and scientific translation: A genre-based approach [articol]Dejica, Daniel
2020Interkulturelle Verhältnisse in Rumänien: Organisationen und Parteien der ethnischen Minderheiten [articol]Ruthner, Andreea Rodica
2020Safety and Ergonomic Risk Management for Visual Stress. A Theoretical and Experimental Case [articol]Lanza, Salvatore; Neag, Nicoleta Paula
2020L’humour dans les représentations caricaturales [articol]Chaibi, Hassiba
2020Some historical realia in Russian and Rumanian: Lexical and phraseological correspondences [articol]Gheltofan, Daniela
2020The problem of evaluation in the rhetorical criticism [articol]Băiaș, Cosmin-Constantin
2012Das Zwischenspiel zwischen dem bersetzungsauftrag und dem kognitiven System des Übersetzer [articol]Icobescu, Claudia
2020Communication and linguistic competences for middle management: A content analysis of job advertisements [articol]Cernicova-Bucă, Mariana
2012Thème et domaine dans la traduction spécialisée. Une perspective didactique. [articol]Pitar, Mariana
2012The importance of memory training in interpretation [articol]Kriston, Andrea
2012Considerations on the translation of community terminology into Romanian [articol]Chirimbu, Sebastian; Barbu-Chirimbu, Adina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 1504