Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 701 to 720 of 1763
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | ‘He is a criminal in series’: A foray into errors by Romanian learners of English. [articol] | Pungă, Loredana; Pârlog, Hortensia |
2015 | Zum Verhältnis von fachsprachlichem und allgemeinsprachlichem Fremdsprachenunterricht | Maghețiu, Anca-Raluca |
2015 | Die Verbselektion auf dem A1-Niveau in den Rumänisch-als-Fremdsprache-Lehrbüchern. Die Abakus-Methode | Kohn, Daniela |
2015 | Reading in a foreign language and the development of communicative competences at the level of secondary school pupils [articol] | Chirimbu, Sebastian; Barbu-Chirimbu, Adina |
2015 | Unterrichtspraxis des Gerichtsdolmetschens online | Štefčík, Jozef |
2015 | La contribution des traductions de pionniérat de Constantin Negruzzi à la constitution de la langue roumaine littéraire moderne[articol] | Petrea, Elena |
2015 | Several issues concerning the translation of scientific terminology in Russian and Serbian [articol] | Ţaran Andreici, Maţa |
2015 | Geschichte durch Geschichten. Film in der diachronen Kulturkunde | Schmitz, Dieter Hermann |
2015 | Sports vocabulary in English and Serbian in the light of translation challenges [articol] | Budinčić, Valentina; Dabić, Tijana |
2015 | Copywriters’ perceptions of ads adaptation [articol] | Cristea, Sanda Ligia |
2015 | Phonetic traps for Romanian speakers of English in medical communication [articol] | Serbac, Patricia |
2015 | An approach to Romanian language anglicisms [articol] | Kriston, Andrea |
2015 | Citation practices in a corpus of Romanian texts on economics [articol] | Ghivirigă, Teodora |
2015 | Paremiological antonymy in Romanian and Russian: Theoretical and practical considerations [articol] | Gheltofan, Daniela |
2015 | The impact of new media on Iohannis’ presidential victory [articol] | Țîrlea, Ada-Maria; Voina, Andreea-Nicoleta |
2015 | Multimodality and multimediality in communication [articol] | Suciu, Lavinia; Mocofan, Muguraș |
2015 | European communication in the digital era. A case study on the audiovisual services of the European Commission [articol] | Nistor, Cristina; Beuran, Rareș |
2015 | The socialization between the effective and virtual patterns [articol] | Nadolu, Delia; Nadolu, Bogdan |
2015 | How much is infotainment the new news? [articol] | Melinescu, Nicolae |
2015 | Intersemiotics in contemporary advertising. From sign translation to meaning coherence [articol] | Hodorogea, Vasile |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 701 to 720 of 1763