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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 701 to 720 of 1658
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Underground storage of recyclable waste - a viable alternative for the pleasant aspect of the urban environment [articol]Ştefănescu, Camelia
2019Small wastewater treatment plants a solution for isolated households [articol]Stăniloiu-Theis, Cristian Marius; Florescu, Constantin; Pintea, Dan
2019From "saying" to "doing". Conversational maxims in political speeches [articol]Stănculete, Ilina-Mihaela
2019Use of 3D terrestrial scanning (TLS) technology in the field of hydrotechnics [articol]Șmuleac, Adrian; Man, Teodor Eugen; Șmuleac, Laura; Pasc, Mariana Antonia
2019The EFL lesson stages. Linguistically connected? [articol]Şandor, Iozefina
2019Combined 1D/2D numerical model of the transit of an accidental flood wave on a water course [articol]Popescu-Buşan, Ioana-Alina; Lazăr, Gheorghe I.; Constantin, Albert Titus; Nicoară, Şerban-Vlad
2019Touring the translation of the advertising discourse [articol]Mănescu, Olenka Maria
2019The implicit causality in verbs [articol]Lindemann, Sofiana Iulia; Homănă, Sabina
2019Selection between different locations for dam construction considering reservoir capacity [articol]Gîrbaciu, Cristian-Adrian
2019Some considerations about discursive antonymy [articol]Gheltofan, Daniela
2019Monitoring and analysis of land deformations and construction situated above underground golf [articol]Dragomir, Lucian; Eleş, Gabriel; Bârliba, Livia Luminiţa; Bârliba, Costel
2019Mathematical modelling of groundwater flow in shallow aquifer containing a cavity of arbitrary form bounded by a partially permeable contour [articol]David, Ioan; Ştefănescu, Camelia
2019The influences of anthropogenic activities on soil characteristics and hydrogeological regime on the lower course of the Bega river [articol]Crețan, Ioana Alina; Gherman, Vasile Daniel
2019Interferences past - present - future, in the water supply of Timişoara municipality from underground water sources [articol]Cococeanu, Adrian; Man, Teodor Eugen; Florescu, Constantin; Beilicci, Robert Florin; Vlaicu, Ilie
2019Metaphor translatability, untranslatability and in-betweens [articol]Ciocioi, Verona-Elena
2019Preserving and saving Quichua language with software. The value of indigenous laboratory of Quichua-Spanish language in San Lucas (Ecuador) [articol]Chireac, Silvia-Maria; Devís Arbona, Anna Maria
2019Speaking about SPOC: can a Small Private Online Course (SPOC) be a viable solution for teaching English? [articol]Bran, Ramona; Grosseck, Gabriela
2019The emergence of grammar and meaning in intertextual and interlinguistic practice [articol]Božović, Đorđe; Kovačević, Borko
2019Current situation and the future of the exploitation of irrigation arrangements in Romania [articol]Beilicci, Robert Florin; Beilicci, Erika Beata Maria
2019Hydraulic dimensioning of the irrigation network for the Murgeanca SPP21 irrigation system [articol]Beilicci, Robert Florin; Beilicci, Erika Beata Maria
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 701 to 720 of 1658